From the Poetic Tales Brain of Dr. Nicki: The Edge

The parched man scoured the bleak earth for signs of life. None was to be found.  As dense night approached fear swelled. The man fell upon his naked knees. He knew not what to do.

Out then from the fellow's gaped open mouth, came a sound more beast than man. An eerie moaning that galloped across the dark landscape, like an on-rushing herd. And then there was a silence so stark it announced the world's end. The man frantically gulped the air as if dying. Still on his knees in stupor he began to pray his goodbyes.

Suddenly, beyond his shadows of doubt, a pale light tickled his eye's edge. Was it a night-baked mirage or rogue firefly or fragile memory seeking refuge? Blood began to surge his veins. Small pinpoints of energy finding fingertips, toes and stomach to tickle and poke. The man was waking up.  But waking up aches bones, body and brain. Waking up begs questions. Some of those questions can be answered, while many must merely be known and felt.

Finally, the man realized the staggering limitations of his "knowing". That the most important understandings are not seen or banked or wrestled to the ground. Rather, the most important understandings are best held tenderly with soft sacred reverence.

The man wept, watering the dry earth under his feet. With eyes open he rose up, caressing a fresh compassion and curiosity.  

When we know we know nothing everything is possible.

We daily rush our time ‘til it runs out -- later or sooner. When we know we know nothing everything is possible. We daily strangle our senses ‘til bloodless we roam the bleak earth forgetting the signs of life left blindly behind. When we know we know nothing everything is possible.

Find what is sacred in your life. Hold it gently with reverential hands. Remember that when we know we know nothing everything is possible. [Tweet This]


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