From the Brain of Dr. Nicki: Remember Being

As you know, for the last 2 weeks, I have been releasing a 19 part "Tweet Poetry" each day on my social media. As promised, here is the blog that wraps it all up! Let me know what you think about it in the comments below!

Awakening, as from a dream, the small glimpse of a child is stunned into life. Everything begins with a cry. In a flash there is something they call The World! It all seems exciting....and remarkable! Everything encountered must be tasted, determines the child. Forms, sizes, materials - all are discovered with the fascinated mouth.

One day something impossibly wet & giggle soft, tickles while a sweet, slobber tongue scratches delight. The World is made of wonder & breast comfort.

At first, there are friends only the child can see and hear. They stay in contact. When no one's looking the unseen and the child play while the child remembers times before now.

Slowly The World becomes more. Growing happens. There are Others. Different dimensions & shapes & colors. To the child they are all the same.

Each day The World gets bigger. Sometimes the breast comfort is not there. Sometimes there is fear. The Heart is throbbing to be heard. Sometimes there’s nothing to do but stare and have private thoughts.

The child knows how to talk through screams & gurgles & giggles. The Others don’t always understand. Frustration pounds at the door.

Time is meaningless to the child, but there is pain in growing. Bones aches. There are more & more things to do. One day most of the early secret friends have gone. The child must learn to be in The World. Sometimes learning to be in The World is fun. Sometimes it isn’t.

World words are learned. World actions too. The Others become many. Some are not nice. Some remind the child of first delights.

Life fosters change. Stories begin to cover the child’s still-throbbing Heart like a too-heavy night blanket. Still, there is a bridge to the child’s beginnings, when The World was exciting…and remarkable. Then one abrupt day, the child feels lost - unable to remember unbound joy, intimate emotional flow & presence.

After that abrupt day, the child must start from the beginning.

There’s nothing to figure out. There’s no tomorrow to reckon with or attempt to manage. There’s only the throbbing heart that yearns to remember Being and its journey into and through life. Stop imagining you can control the future. Stop the stunning grasping that you imagine can propel you into success. Stop running and hiding from your own True Voice -- the one you’ve buried beneath the din and imagined urgency of doing. Remember Being.


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