Money to Put Where My Mouth Is!

Inspired by the tumultuous, entertaining, complicated, and ultimately beautiful road my mother and I walked together towards her death in 2015, I have written a play. Yep, I've really done it!

The play has everything: sex; pain; fury; faith; doubt; abortion; dementia; love; and… well, healing. And that final word… that’s the point. To inspire the kind of profound healing experience for which I’ve all my life worked and with which I’ve been at last blessed.

The cherry-on-the-parfait idea is for me to go back to my roots and perform the piece for Los Angeles audiences in a limited run this spring—with a whole team of talented theater-makers, including myself, breathing life into the words and the world I've created!

But now here’s the rub – I need production money. Egads… I’m right back in the very place I carefully escaped… the place where art goes toe-to-toe with commerce. Ugh. To tell the truth I’ve been throwing a temper tantrum over this. I want to be rescued. Want someone to come along who says: Oh, Dr. Nicki your wise words are so provocative I want to support you. Here’s what you need. Go – fly!!

Let me say honestly – this IS REALLY A GOOD PLAY! I’ve been working with the amazing director/dramaturg Diana Wyenn and workshopping the script with a group of gifted actors. We have a script ready to cast and all we need now is an angel, or several angels. I’ve never understood that term so rightly before.

So this is my love note… and my plea. Please consider being one of my angels!

And if you are (or know someone who is) great at raising funds for such an exciting new venture contact me asap.

My aim: to inspire healing to those who seek such!

Help me spread the word!

If you feel inspired to do so, please share my GoFundMe campaign page link with your friends:


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