From the Brain of Dr. Nicki: Westworld Wow!

Xmas holiday binge-watching the extraordinary HBO series, Westworld. Wow, wow, wow. Now that’s what I call time well spent! A rich, provoking conversation about the meaning of existence. A seriously spiritual journey that never mentions religion or God or prayer.

“We live in loops!” the show tells us. Indeed we do. “…the self is a kind of fiction,” we’re reminded, “…a story we tell ourselves. And every story needs a beginning. Your imagined suffering makes you lifelike.”

Makes us lifelike, but doesn’t truly give us life. So what does give us life? Ah that is the question.

As often, therefore, I find myself plunked down into the endless questions swirling around the concept of purpose: What is it? How do we know what matters? How do we find it? The dictionary defines purpose as: “The reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.” That is to say, the reason we do or create or exist- in other words, the on-going crux of our matter. Every day, specifically or tangentially, this is the unavoidable centerpiece of our conversations, and yet most hardly give those questions more than a glance. Too grim, some think. Too unanswerable, others conclude. Just keep your head down and keep moving, most determine.

It’s easy to lose sight of this all-important deliberation. Easy to get tangled in knots of self-consciousness, competitiveness, petty squabbles and even forgetfulness. These daily superficialities distract and detour us from our primary…well, purpose, whatever that might turn out to be. Because we live in loops. Yes. Familiarity breeds a false sense of safety. Cling to same ideas and ideals, we are subtly instructed. Don’t climb out on any new limbs. Listen to familiar pundits. Follow the tide. Just make it through the days. Until you sleep…perchance to dream.

Many of my husband’s holiday presents included new technical wonders: a doorbell that lets us see on our phones from anywhere who’s at the door; a little cylinder that can answer all our questions and play music too; small tiles attached to things we lose so we won’t; a terrific tea pot that makes perfect tea….and on. It’s all wonderful. I mean it. But what about the exhilarating adventure of true self discovery? Looks like it’s disappeared down the technological rabbit-hole. All this technology should free our minds for deeper engagement. Is it?

I must say Westworld gave me hope – made me know for sure there’s real thought afoot. Perhaps in the final analysis things will always be as things have always been. Folks will climb over each other to prove their worth; Time will feel like it wins out over everything; We’ll desperately seek something and someone to make ourselves feel important. But maybe – just maybe – along the way we will remember that we are more than just lifelike – but that we are, in fact, brilliant representatives of Life Itself. What a glad day that will be!


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