Ask Dr. Nicki: Body Image

Dear Dr. Nicki,

I hate my body. I’ve done everything I can to change it. . Nothing helps. I can’t stand the way I look. Is this normal? What can I do?

Certainly the world we live in does nothing to encourage most of us to love our bodies. Between the media icons and the role models thrust in our faces, there is little to support our variety of shapes and sizes. The problem is it is not society that is causing the toxic spill in our brains. It is us. It is our constant yammering and complaining at ourselves. It is our comparing. It is our support of weight-loss products and programs. It is our unending focus on things outside ourselves to make us feel worthy.

To love your body you must start with…loving your body. Look at yourself everyday. Really look. Look at yourself until you feel comfortable looking. Speak to the body you gaze on with appreciation. Practice this for 30 days.

If you love your body from the inside out, and practice appreciating it from the outside in, you will begin (after a time…maybe longer than 30 days though) to exude radiance. In the face of that radiance you will find others responding to you differently.

This is the key. Your body is truly as beautiful as you see it to be.


Dr. Nicki


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