NEWS NUGGETS THE DR. NICKI WAY: It’s a Matter of Opinion

First of all, I just want to let you all know that I am going to start with an older news nugget just to warm up to this new series of offerings from me to you!

I confess – when it comes to paying attention to current news reports I’m a total failure! Between the constant dismal reporting and deliberate aggression I find myself tuning out and turning off. Besides, we all know what each pundit will say before they open their mouths. The republicans will blame the democrats, the democrats will blame the republicans & everyone will blame their neighbor. Passing the buck is our national pastime.

So where’s the kind of frank, relevant, unadulterated information we can sink our teeth into and open our hearts for? How can we learn through the news rather than cringe or slobber or spit?!

Indeed, when we can’t see the big picture it’s easy to get snagged in the little details. Ridiculing or despising how “others” choose to live their lives, or turning a blind eye to the underlying issues braiding through the world leads to endless complaining with little real solution.

Welcome to News Nuggets….a discussion of patterns discovered, uncovered and announced through news events…conversations about how what occurs in the world around us, reflects who WE are.

I will welcome your opinion and interest. Walk with me as we see ourselves in the community mirror called the Collective. A more compassionate view of the world requires a better understanding of self.

THE NEWS NUGGET: "Lost" Actor Marries 16-Year-Old Girlfriend

It was a twist that even "Lost" fans probably didn't see coming.

Actor Doug Hutchison, 51, announced that he has married his 16-year-old girlfriend, Courtney Alexis Stodden.

According to a notice on his website, Hutchison has been enjoying wedded bliss with the aspiring country singer for a few weeks.

"Doug Anthony Hutchison and Courtney Alexis Stodden became husband and wife on Friday May 20th, 2011, at 12 p.m. in The Little Chapel of Flowers in Las Vegas, Nevada," the statement on his site says. "Mr. and Mrs. Hutchison live together happily ensconced in their Hollywood Hills home with their lil' pups, Everette and Tuna!"

Hutchison has appeared on various shows and films including "Lost," "The X Files" and "Green Mile." On "Lost" he played Horace Goodspeed, the leader of the Dharma Initiative group on the island.
The newlyweds released a statement to E! in light of what is sure to be a few raised eyebrows over their 35-year age difference.
"We're aware that our vast age difference is extremely controversial," the statement said. "But we're very much in love and want to get the message out there that true love can be ageless."

THE QUESTION: Why choose a mate so vastly different in age?

THE CONVERSATION: Everyone likes to believe “love” is the biggest point in relationship. It’s not. It is, of course, part of the picture, but far from the whole story. When two people come together there is ALWAYS something beyond love and physical attraction, operating. This ‘something’ works stealthily in what’s called the unconscious. In other words, there’s more to this story than meets the eye!

Here are a few likely underlying driving dynamics. Some or all of these might be present, but only the parties involved can really figure out which of these apply. And let me rush to say: none of these statements mean they should run like hell!! I’m merely on the side of staying awake and of trying to understand why we do what we do. In the face of that awareness great healing and growth can occur. For us as individuals. For the world around us.

So here’s the scoop, at least in part:
- Hutchison might be anxious to retain his connection to a waning youthful vitality
- Stodden is seeking a father love previously denied to her
- Hutchison fears aging
- Stodden is seeking union with a fantasy father
- Hutchison needs the control that comes from being the “older, wiser” one
- Stodden is wedded to being seen as a child
- Hutchison cannot abide true peer intimacy
- Stodden is seeking to repeat the only love, which is father love, she’s ever believed in
- Hutchison sees himself as knight
- Stodden sees Hutchison as rescuer & is searching for protection
- Both Hutchison & Stodden are seeking to avoid inner anxieties they feel unprepared to face
- Hutchison & Stodden are bonding together through a sense of “rule-breaking”

These are but a few possibilities. Obviously knowing the specific backgrounds of the individuals would help fill in the blanks. Still, it is possible to arrive at certain conclusions based on the limited number of patterns we all run into every day.

WHAT’S THIS GOT TO DO WITH YOU? Understanding self is our best chance for contributing to a better world! Go inside to see how YOU: A) Feel about aging; B) Avoid facing your true fears; C) Try to exert control over others; D) Look for someone to rescue you; E) Avoid real intimacy.

Let us know what you discover. 


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