From the Brain of Dr. Nicki: The Power of Powerlessness: Part I

Power. Powerlessness. Power. Lessness. Pow.

Powerlessness is perhaps the most maligned, most misunderstood adventure of all. The majority of us would rather chew glass than face the slings and arrows of what is considered to be outrageous powerlessness. We turn away from it, defend against it, manage and thrust our way through it, and as much and as often as possible, deny its importance or value.

The problem is that without looking powerlessness smack dab in its beady little red eye, we can never truly transform – nor even can we fully realize Life’s intention for us. That means if we do not face the truth of our own powerlessness it is unlikely that we will see a blossoming of our greatest potential. Sounds dire, doesn’t it? Well it is. 

                                                Powerlessness is Not…
All right then – let’s start with what powerlessness is not: It is not weakness – though most certainly we may feel puny in the face of it. It is not collapse – though we are frequently apt to feel deflated while in its embrace.  It is not subtle – though we may stubbornly refuse to recognize what precisely is afoot. And it is not personal – though when it’s scrawny, unforgiving tentacles grip us we usually feel alien, alone and chosen.

                                                Powerlessness Is…
So WHAT then exactly IS POWERLESSNESS? Powerlessness is primarily: The loss of the Illusion of Control. Yes, the illusion, because face it - in actuality, we are not in charge of how everything turns out. All the huffing and puffing in the world will not change this truth. We can plan, scheme, manipulate or decide all we want to – but Life has its own plan.

Indeed, our only real “authority” in this life revolves more around the moment-to-moment quality, authenticity and presence we allow ourselves to exhibit, express and experience. Our job actually and specifically is to learn to appreciate the inner resources we’ve developed over the period of our lives - through wounding, difficulty, adventure and blessings - and to bring with all thoroughness those resources to bear in the face of what occurs.

Most certainly this in no way frees us from personal responsibility…for as we walk through the world – for instance, with grace and gratitude or with disappointment and a sense of being a victim – so the world will respond to us. We are reflected everywhere we go. Our energy vibrates from us like radio waves and though we may not actually see what’s vibrating from/through us, the waves are heard and felt by all those we encounter.

In the final analysis, then, we must thoughtfully suit up, buoyantly show up and enthusiastically do what we can. And watch what happens.


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