From the Brain of Dr. Nicki: TRUMP

Rarely /never do I post political content here on FB. Ordinarily I find the polarizing diatribes more aggravating than informative and therefore let them slide past like slippery sewage on a storm day. I do, however, wish today to offer this:
If you feel angry, disgruntled or disturbed about Trumps rise to political prominence stop your grousing long enough to look in the mirror!
Why, we might be asking quizzically, has such an unlikely buffoon become a national political contender?? Correction, why has such an unlikely buffoon become an actual Republican Presidential Candidate?? Okay put away your democrat slings & arrows, for this is a bi-partisan question. Truly.
We could blame it on our national exhaustion with the usual bloated political promises we can never anymore believe; we could look at the current confusion between the “reality show” called social media and actual life; but here, really, when all is said and done, is your answer: Trump is the three-dimensional living breathing example of the Narcissism of our age. He's the selfie, Instagram, snap-chat US! His entire energetic reads me, me, me. He doesn't bore us with profound answers or any far-reaching, compassionate clarity. Instead he invites us to focus on the what's-in-it-for-me that has become our modern hew and cry.
So as usual, we can't fix the problem at the level of the problem. Trump is not the problem folks. We are.


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