From the Brain of Dr. Nicki: Facing Facts - Living Through Disappointing Times

The world feels a little creepy these days. That is, like a world creeping along. No big surprise considering the Collective circumstances. Disappointment, outrage, fear and anger abound. Most try to figure the angles. Survival looks like a video game to the youngest among us. Those who have been through it know this is no trivial pursuit.

How shall we manage our daily lives while cloud-cover threatens our best future? We’d like to be sincere in our active pursuit of the American Dream, availing ourselves of deep-pocketed love and a life of abundance, but we have lost the how. Everyone says something awful this way comes. We believe them. We jump on the bandwagon knowing little more to do but grouse about it all.

Here’s an idea: Pursue excellence. Just for today, in every single way you can imagine, head and heart towards being the very best being you can be.

Pie in the sky thinking? Short-sighted left-over hippy fare? Perhaps. Here’s the thing though: It’s not instead of taking new action, it’s in addition. Yes, while keeping your best intentions clear also make preparations for extreme possibilities. Keep cash in your house. Buy gold. Stock up with water and food, as if an earthquake’s coming. Imagine community cooperation in the face of disaster. Discover how you will contribute.

Point is: These dire circumstances, or even threatened outcomes, can bring us together. Of course, like all difficult situations, we can instead move to extreme self-centeredness. We can choose to rip and shred and ravage each other. We can ignore any vestiges of natural humanity we might still lay claim too and paw the earth for remains rather than planting the soil with potential resource.   

As always, the outcome is up to US. Facing facts means looking the dragon in the eye, telling the truth about our contribution to the disrepair, and standing strong for change.

Instead of girding your loins try opening your Heart. Cooperation, open-mindedness, steadiness of hand and intention, and generosity is what will get us through. This crisis, as always, is an opportunity. Try just this once not turning a blind eye or simply hoping it will all go away without your involvement or falling victim to a victim mentality.

Yes, face facts: We’re all in this together. And maybe, just maybe, that’s the gift.


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