From the Brain of Dr. Nicki: The Apocalypse

X-Men: Apocalypse, the latest in a long line of apocalyptic films and tv shows, just opened in theaters this past weekend. Yet another 'end of the world as we know it' visual experience. Egad, what's happening?

I believe television and film actually let us recognize the Collective conversation -- revealing concerns, interests, anticipations & desires. So what's this mass devastation tendency about? Why is the world going constantly up in flames?

The easy answer might be it's an exaggeration of the world-wide wars & terrorism actually occurring. But I believe it's more than that. I think, really, it's that most of us are starving for new beginnings - for a total starting over possibility. Though panicked and in high anxiety about it all, something in us believes the only way this can happen is through catastrophic events. Because we won't stop the madness unless forced to. Because hopelessness & helplessness hasn't been enough to "regulate" our outrageous behavior.

Besides, there's a patent lack of heroes anymore. No longer do we trust those we used to collectively accept as our protector/heroes. Governments and civil servants -- laws and standards - all seem to have lost potency. But amidst these Apocalyptic circumstances genuine heroes inevitably arise. Ordinary folks finding extraordinary resource. People like you and me, once feeling helpless to truly change the world around us, now effective, compelling defenders of the "right" and the needy. Triumphing over adversity. Creating a new world.

So how can we do this without waiting for an actual apocalypse? This is the question of our time. Your answer?


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