From the Brain of Dr. Nicki: Eyes Wide Shut: Wake Up!

“Being pretty, smart and funny in LA isn’t enough to make me lovable…and by the way I’m fat!” Thus the pretty, smart, funny not fat nearly thirty year old begins her sobbing tale of a broken heart.

How do we know when enough is enough about anything anywhere? Enough love, money, success, approval, ambition, desire, stuff? Since running on inside empty is today’s standard fare, feeling fully enough gets ever more difficult to achieve.

Mostly these days we’re about snap, crackle and fizz. More about shape and less about content. Texting, sexting, snap chatting and instragraming reflect our passion for the kind of shortcuts that spare us the agony of actual intimacy. Why use whole words when three letters will suffice! OMG. Or maybe even just a pic.

Not that this is a completely bad thing. Quick splash and spectacular sparkle has its place. On some holiday sweaters and even selectively used by pithy articles. Except when it’s the only thing you’ve got going. Makes a thinking person afraid, imagining the disintegration of curiosity and true growth - imagining the demise of good books, readers who appreciate them, concepts that tickle the fancy and art that throbs the Soul. This picture paints a grey world.

But a vivid world begins with the splendid offerings we each can bring – when we appreciate what we have, and then tender it generously. Here’s an idea: for the remainder of this year decide you’ve got one and only one thing to do…its called waking up. Wake up to the idea that lovable isn’t about being good-looking enough, smart enough, funny enough, rich enough, thin enough, famous enough or any enough. Being lovable is a know thyself kind of affair. It’s about discovering, uncovering, and recovering who you truly are – the good, bad and ugly. The whole you is the best you. Once you’ve figured that out you can begin being more about giving than getting. More about revealing than concealing. Now there’s a world changing concept!

Start with taking a quiet non-texting, cell-phone free silent hour. Ask yourself: What’s already great about me and my life? Imagine this truth: You are already enough just as you are.

We are primarily limited by limiting notions. Of right, wrong. Of bad, good. To reveal a passion filled Life you will need to open your eyes wide to all. Seriously. No LOL about it.


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