From the Brain of Dr. Nicki: Money...more than meets the eye!

We all know how money-minded the world is and how easy it is to get swept up into the never-enough notion of it all. Problem is never-enough money easily becomes never-enough us. In this way money morphs -- becoming love, personal worth and human value.

On top of the usual suspicions we have about the world we land on suspicions about the rich. We cling to the idea that we can't have money and be "good people" at the same time. Spiritual people, for instance, should eschew money. So -- as if it's a divide -- we must choose between being good and being rich. Really? Why?

Here's my take: abundance is a worthy pursuit. Abundant love; abundant giving; abundant curiosity; and abundant spiritual, physical and financial health. Why not be all we can!

Problem comes in when we seek money for monies sake. There's an emptiness with that pursuit and a lack of true disconnectedness with the world around us. It's hard to be only money-focused and compassionate at the same time, for instance.

Now, then, here I am in my own "money focus" as I launch my Indiegogo campaign to fund my fabulous new play Becoming Human. I'm a little scared. First, asking for help isn't easy for me (I'm the caregiver after all!). Second, I don't want to move to the grumpiness disappointment can land me in when I've asked for help, have gotten plenty of enthusiastic promises and then....nada! Well, I decide while facing this, another opportunity to let go of outcome.

Every step so far along the creative way of this project has delivered new learning to me. I expect this to be no different. Meanwhile, I get to one more time walk the talk by disconnecting my sense of personal value from the size of my bank account. It's a great and important practice. Try it. You'll be richer for the experience.


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