Ask Dr. Nicki: Current Political State

Once a week I present this feature called, "Ask Dr. Nicki" featuring a question that either a) I generate myself from commonly asked questions, or b) a question that somebody submits to me. I really hope that each and every one of you gets something from my advice!

Dear Dr. Nicki:

I am finding myself being to wrapped up in the current mood of our political state. I swear these first 120 days are going to kill me. I know our country isn't going to disappear off the map but I do fear our politicians have changed and not for the better. What do I do?

Dr. Nicki says:

It is indeed very hard to keep your head when all around you are losing theirs! It's challenging to refrain from plugging into collective negativity, fear and disgruntlement. It's like being in a bar fight. Everyone starts throwing punches and eventually so do we. We are hugely responsive to context. In 2017, with social media etc. context extends far beyond our neighborhood. In fact, the world has become our neighborhood, so certainly, with all our doors and window opened, we are affected and infected by the constant noise and consternation.

The other day a client came into me and said: "I'm obsessed. I can't stop reading every political article and watching the news endlessly. It's consumed my life. I can do nothing else." Exactly your point, right Sean?! I'll tell you what I told him: Stop it.

Sounds simple but I'm well aware it isn't. What I'm suggesting is not that we go deaf and dumb but rather, that we be selective and very contained about what we investigate. Also, it's important, I feel, to read articles that don't necessarily reinforce what we already believe. We need to understand opposite points of view. We need to trust the solidity of our (hopefully well-thought out) perspectives enough to "get" the other side.

Besides all this Sean I strongly suggest finding an area that particularly moves you and join a collaborative action plan. People are calling their representatives; creating films; doing good community works; finding ways to evidence true caring for each other. The action can be focused or broad.

This call-to-action is important because action is empowering. I continue to suggest, however, the action be heart-driven. If anything can save us now true, compassionate, heart-driven action can.

Thanks for writing in Sean. Walking beside you.

Dr. Nicki


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