From the Imagination of Dr. Nicki: Real Life - Stories I Never Knew... Complete Episodes 1 – 14

Over the course of these past two weeks, I presented a 14-part fictional blog story entitled, "Stories I Never Knew...".

It has been a special feature of my blog entitled, "From the Imagination of Dr. Nicki"… Spotlighting original fiction by me. These stories never happened… They are original fiction pieces from my imagination.

Today, I am just giving you the links to all 14 episodes so you can click through them and read the entire series as one if you would like:

PART 11 -

PART 12 -

PART 13 -

PART 14 -

 I sincerely hope you have enjoyed reading my original fiction. I look forward to sharing more with you in the near future. I am currently working on writing and workshopping an original play… So stay tuned for more details about that... Thank you from the bottom of my heart for following me, reading my posts and sharing! Have a beautiful weekend!


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