From the Brain of Dr. Nicki: Stumbling Towards Stillness

"What's the plan?" I'm asked daily, most often with a subtle, defiant sneer.
" THIS is the plan. This today. Now."
The sneer becomes less subtle.

Indeed, people hate that. The idea that we're already in "the plan"...or at the very least, we're in a plan. Because it doesn't feel all good or right. Because its not what we expected 'by now'. Because its not ideal.

Well, it may not have the look, style, taste, sound or feel we think we want, but like it or not, it's what we've been signing up for. Through our attitudes, through our thinking and through our behaviors.

"No, no this isn't what I want," another questioner harrumphs.

I beg to differ. Yes, our true objectives show up every day. They show in the smooth and rough ways our lives run. They are announced through both people and circumstance. Believe it or not we're the story writers, the directors,  the casting agents and the producers. This Life the story is titled.

But fear not for that's the good news. Really. Because if we don't like how things look and feel, it's up to us to shift gears. If we're creating the life we have, we can create the life we want.

"Well that sounds dandy but I'm stuck," pleads another."Really stuck!"

Naturally, navigating historical sludge, anger mountains and thirsty throat deserts can be problematic. There's whirlwinds & riptides to deal with. Sideswipes & ground crumblings. Stonewalls & dry gulches. Impediments everywhere we travel tell us to turn back, cease the quest, give up. But we yearn. We desire. And, happily desire, especially if met fervently, gives birth to manifestation. And manifestation...well what tastes better than manifestation! It proves our existence point. It reveals our Soul's face. It is the afterlife we never dared hope for.

So what's the catch? Why are we so often snagged on the way to our stated intentions?


Perhaps the devil we know is better than the one we're yet to meet, we whisper. Maybe time does heal all wounds, even if we do nothing, we hope.  Or worse: what if all our secret doubts, deeply held bitter loathing, and pain-laced assumptions about self & about other have merit, we quake? Yes, what if every life thing is as dreadful as we fear! Better to hold the fantasy that all can be magically different than discover what can really, truly be altered and what can't.

Of course this doesn't work. Life wants a partner in the dance. Life calls us into its arms, spins us around the floor and dips us more than a couple of times. We can join or resist but either way, the music will play on.

To me the choice seems obvious.  Not always easy, but obvious. And you know what, as it turns out 99% of the time we're far better at the whole engagement than we imagined.

As I undulate now through the life before me I blissfully hear the trumpets blare or sometimes feel the gentle flutes soft tickle. This is the call. Be still and listen. Answer.


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