From The Brain of Dr. Nicki: Walking the Talk

For decades I’ve been prodding, poking, insisting, even begging folks to take risk, put their money where their mouth is, practice what they preach, stop taking the easy way out; and follow their bliss.

Long and sort of it is I’ve been screaming:


Meanwhile, I’ve tried to lead by example

Indeed, I’ve always prided myself on walking-the-talk! I’ve published books; gone on TV; done physical activities that scare me (aerial, however so briefly!) and more, but I must say nothing I’ve ever done anything before rivals this adventure called writing the theatrical version of my life and starring in the production!

Wow, wow, wow.

I’ve truly stretched far beyond my own expectations; put myself front and center in the line of fire; and asked of myself more than ever before, which includes returning to the stage thirty years after that part of the story seemed quite over. (In case you’re wondering: returning to acting after all that time is not as easy as riding a bicycle!)  But I am delivering. It’s slowly but surely coming back to me.

And even now – with several weeks of production remaining – I feel humbly, consistently proud.

How did this happen? How did I come to be able to write my own story, produce it and act in it?? It’s a mystery really in many ways. As usual, I’d say, inspiration meets perspiration and they ferociously partner with unflagging persistence.

I have what some would call a tough life tale to tell. I don’t think of it that way. Really I don’t. For my story has grown in me compassion, grit, resolve and an intentionality that allows the unfoldment of a life few get the gift of enjoying. I get to sincerely touch others each day.

Sometimes that touch is ferocious and other times soft as silk.

But always it offers hope:

Hope that tomorrow can be more meaningful, more fulfilling, more self and other loving than yesterday.

Again, how did this happen? Along the way I’ve been Blessed with extraordinary teachers. This play production experience has been no different. The divine Diana Wyenn has mentored me into a playwright (because though I’ve written in many forms, this is the first time I’ve tackled playwriting). Also, I have a delicious production squad plus the collaboration of a fervent and talented acting team.

As a bonus, we are told we are actually touching audience attendees!

Folks are being moved (to both laughter and tears) and even, in some cases, inspired revelation! That was the original idea. Besides the ego experience of getting to perform again (oh yes, Ms. Ego is in there too!) I/we wanted to affect theater goers – to leave them wondering how they too could heal their own tattered pasts.

I can not fully express the appreciation I feel for this experience.

To those who have already enhanced this journey of ours by joining us, thank you and for those yet to join us, thank you in advance…for what I now remember happens once audiences are present is that the play takes on a whole new life as each performance is bathed in bright audience-response colors allowing each time, a fresh piece to be born. 

Everything that has come before has prepared me for this moment.

Everything that shall follow shall be a surprise.

This is the way it works…this business we call life.

And for it all I am truly grateful.  


Don't miss the rare opportunity to see Dr. Nicki's 
raw-hearted original play! 

Tickets still on sale here:



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