From the Brain of Dr. Nicki: Processing Process!

Reviews from this weekend:

Truly great, deep and powerful work. …The images & scenes [from the play] are still stirring in my soul. …Extremely potent…Thank you for pioneering forward for us to see what’s possible!”

“Amazing performance!!!”

“Amazing, amazing night, Nicki J Monti, you were incredible! Stayed with me all day….”

“Such an amazing show. Incredibly powerful!”

"What a great night enjoying Becoming Human with Nicki Monti. Great show, great cast!"

It’s taken a while for this kind of response to happen. Of course, folks have been sweetly supportive from the gate. Lauding the excellent cast, talented directing and terrific set design. But I considered my own personal first two weekends an exercise in clumsy stumbling. 

Like I said, thirty years is a long time not to have exercised a particular muscle, and believe me folks, acting ain’t as easy as it might look! 

But this last weekend my old acting chops and stage ease began kicking in for real. And as a result I started receiving a different level of reaction. The kind you see offered above.  

Yes, I’ve been in a funk. Aggravated about my own emotional reactivity to some disappointments incurred along the play-mounting way. Things I’ll probably write about after the play closes. 

Luckily disappointment, if approached with self-responsibility, can be the gateway to revelation.  That’s why it’s these very disappointments that, as usual,  have thus far taught me the most.

Yes, as intended, the play has for sure stretched my edges - has thrown me, in fact, into unanticipated territory. Luckily unanticipated territory is where we’d best roam if continuing growth is to occur. Certainly, I know I have miles to go before I sleep, but at this moment I feel content with how this entire process has unfolded.

I’ve wanted this play to be a funny, rigorous, truthful ritual dedication to healing. 

And so it is. 

I am already deeply grateful for what has occurred within me to this point, and am quite certain more shall be revealed. I feel enlivened by this adventure and excited to dive into what’s next.

To all who have and shall attend: 

Please know that showing up splashes down upon me as vivid support. 

Thank you. Thank you.

We have this one more weekend. If you haven’t made it out yet please get tickets. I promise it’s worth the drive to Hollywood. Maybe you’ll hear your own story told, as so many have announced. 

You’ll probably laugh some. 

Definitely cry some. 

And perhaps you’ll even get some hints on how to heal a couple old wounds of your own. 

Or’ll just enjoy a good night of theater. 

See you soon.


Nicki Joy

 Get tickets for our finale weekend here!:


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