From the Brian of Dr. Nicki: Political Pressure!

I detest politics. I hate it on the “local” level when I’m expected to be politically correct, which I typically ignore. I loathe it on the debate level, when folks pretend to offer differing perspectives, but mostly come from: “I’m right, you’re not”. I abhor it on the business level when it means smooth talking and glad-handing override talent. And, naturally, it repulses me on the national level when it means blame, shame and divisiveness take center stage.

This week politics won and as often, our humanity, in its most elegant form, lost. The backstabbing, vitriolic, unkind, clawing brought the nation to its knees. And make no mistake: the belittling, aggressive, ridiculing was not at all one-sided.

Abjure the temptation to either hunker down in grim, snarling defeat or alternatively, to prance arrogantly around the victory maypole - depending on which political side you’re on. These behaviors are both toxic land-fill for the nation.

The how’s and why’s of this election outcome are sure to be reviewed, reviled and retold a zillion times in the coming months and years. Unfortunately, these conversations will not at all help. What will help, though, is for each of us to stand tall for collaboration, for authentic love, and for tender reconciliations. That is: stand tall for our most gracious, graceful Humanity.  

This is asking a great deal, I know. It’s very politically incorrect, I understand. But I believe these events reveal a kind of explosive shouting out for a revolutionary new way to approach our political system. Things have been broken for a long time.

But most importantly, I see this turn of events as pattern undulation. Society at large has long been in a vibrant shift. We’ve been moving from a Patriarchal system to a Matriarchal system. This shift has taken hundreds of years and as with all shifts, the final pushes do not happen smoothly or easily. Just as with us as individuals, right before a big change the system goes into revolt – turns aggressively to old ways. The binge before the diet. The drunken debauchery before the sobriety.      

In 2008/9 when the financial crashes happened many individuals lost their financial footing and their livelihoods. Downsizing occurred. Panic ensued. Out of that difficult time arose hundreds and thousands of creative, exciting solutions. New mom and pop companies were formed. Folks discovered their inventiveness and productivity as never before. This is what happens much of the time when what we have previously counted on or become used to collapses. We rise up with new grit, zest and intention.

Now is the time not to revile each other but to embrace. This doesn’t mean giving up your most precious beliefs. It means taking quality action to create new possibility. But no matter how you proceed consider doing it heartfully rather than hatefully. Let your humanity lead the way.    


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