From the Brain of Dr. Nicki: Why Blog?

To tell you the truth I’ve been resistant. Though I love to write, have written two non-fiction books, after all, plus tons of various course materials, as well as countless poems, a couple books of fiction and fictional narrative pieces, blogging seems…well…cumbersome. It requires, I’m told, constant stroking, fluffing and folding, demanding of me precious time I “need” for other matters.

Or is that the truth?

For years I’ve been grousing about not reaching and teaching a broader audience. Now this dandy platform calls hither, -- a platform that at-a-glance looks right up my wordy ally -- but I’ve hardly stepped up to the podium. What’s going on?

Turns out, as usual, there’s more to the story. That some part of me has been refusing to get in the ring with the big boys and girls.

So one day recently I was sitting with the lovely, sparkling Ruby Fremon [@IAMRUBY] as she was laughingly regaling me with social media 101 ideas and while reading a brief “chat” I’d just entered on my private FB page threw out: “Oh you should do this as a series called: From the Brain of Dr. Nicki!” Boom. I know a good idea when I hear one. Done and done.

What’s my point? First and foremost: it’s important to be constantly teachable. We need to listen, listen, listen – because information, inspiration and invitation are persistently presented to us. If only we realize it.

About this blog my husband warns: “Be careful. Once you blog it’s out there for the ages!!” He seems worried. Knits his brow. Well, my conclusion to hubby and any other brow-knitting folks is: oh well, so what, and so be it! For the ages, or for the moment -- it’s time.

And to you I say the same – whatever you’ve been hesitant to engage, afraid to adventure into, resistant to add to your story, unwilling to consider --- take another look. Maybe there’s a beautiful, fun way to express parts of yourself others are just waiting to greet. Perhaps you have a song to sing; poem to pen; conversation to impart; or even, a blog to write. Or maybe there’s a conversation with family member, friend or coworker you’ve been avoiding. Do the uncomfortable. Stop putting it off. THIS is the magic moment. We’re listening.

** this is a re-post of a blog that first posted on May 23, 2016


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