Ask Dr Nicki: My Sport was My Life

Once a week I present this feature called, "Ask Dr. Nicki" featuring a question that either a) I generate myself from commonly asked questions, or b) a question that somebody submits to me. I really hope that each and every one of you gets something from my advice!

Dear Dr Nicki,

I’ve been an athlete all my life- it’s been my greatest passion.

Recently I was in a car accident, and my physician said even if I get extensive physical therapy, I will never again be as active as I was in the sports I love. I’m broken hearted and confused, and I feel like I don’t even know who I am anymore. Please help.

Dr Nicki Says:

Dear Heart Broken & Confused,

First, let me offer compassion!

All of us spend far too much time making big deals out of little deals, so when something truly monumental happens - as is your case - it re-calibrates everything.


(and not to in any way try to minimize the doctor's diagnosis)

Many, many times individuals are told "they will never" only to overcome apparently impossible circumstances.

Never assume the worst.


(and most importantly)

It appears as if you've put ALL your eggs in the sports basket - allowing it to define you and your life excitement.

Never a great plan.

Whether it's the job we do, the stuff we own, the relationship we have, the way we look, or the money we accumulate - or in this case the sports we love - to allow "it" to be in charge of our entire well-being and identity, is not only short-sighted, it's an underestimation of personal value.

Yes, I can say that without even knowing you, because we are, each of us, more than ONE thing!!

This, then, is a brilliant opportunity to discover who you are outside this 'sports person'! To explore other interests, connections, capacities and aims.

Dive in.

Try new things.

Reach out to others.

Read new books.

Keep your options open.

What I'm saying to you without hesitation is:

You are more than you have known yourself to be:

Find out how and who.


Dr. Nicki

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