From the Brain of Dr. Nicki: My Not-Milestone Birthday

I just had a birthday.

It wasn't what people call a milestone....not one of the supposedly noteworthy, big-celebrations-worthy, well-remarked birthdays.

Thinking about how easy it is to slide by these not-21-or-30-or-40 etc days got me wondering:

How ever did we decide “big” birthdays are more important than recognizing each & every year?



I myself was tempted to make little of it. There was no party, attending friends, balloons or special attire. My husband and I went to a nice dinner, I bought myself a couple new pieces of clothing & he bought me a pair of kick-ass shoes.

From the outside it looked…


But I'll tell you what, all the while I stayed aware of the importance of this not-milestone birthday as much as any other.  Indeed, this has been (yet another) monumental year for me:

A year lived with emotional visibility risk!

A year deserving recognition.

As I’m writing this, my point is brought home by the recent violent, shocking Las Vegas events. Don’t we hope each of the nearly 60 now dead victims of the shooter’s blaring gun celebrated their last birthday with fervor?!

The truth is this:

Every day we draw breath- especially if that breath is drawn with eager passion - is a day of Blessing.

Sound overblown?

Well thing is, I mean it. Is that because I'm getting older? Maybe. After all, the time behind me is far more than the time stretching out before me, as they say. But even if it’s true my realization about the growing preciousness of our days and ways comes out of my seeing the ever-shortening road before me, so what!

Doesn't mean it's not wise to notice.

Doesn't mean we can't all do more to revere and respect our lives right here right now.
Ask the families of the Vegas casualties.

It's expecting a great deal, isn't it! After all, the world is constantly pushing us to focus on tomorrow and tomorrow. To grasp and claim and clamor. To forestall celebration until we have proof of deservedness - product to show; bank accounts to brag about; stuff to show off to the world.

But I come to this conclusion:

EVERY year is a milestone-year wanting conscious commemoration.

EVERY day is a welcoming to yet another possible beginning.

Make this year count.

Make this day count.

You're worth it.

And so are we who wait to know you.


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