Ask Dr Nicki: What's My Purpose?

Once a week I present this feature called, "Ask Dr. Nicki" featuring a question that either a) I generate myself from commonly asked questions, or b) a question that somebody submits to me. I really hope that each and every one of you gets something from my advice!

Dear Dr Nicki,
What do you do if you feel like you don’t know your life’s purpose?

Dr. Nicki Says:

Dear Pithy-but-Profound Instagramer! 

This is a no-fooling-around question as are all what's-it-all-about queries! Let's take a simple stab at a complicated concern. 

To begin with notice that in this make-it-happen world LIFE PURPOSE is often confused with production goal. Actually, as it turns out, the actual content of what we do is far less important than the psycho-spiritual impulses & drives supporting those contextual expressions.

So, in other words:

If creativity is your "yearning/drive" that creativity might show up as : writer; actor; sculptor; event coordinator; brand creator; DJ; chemist; entertainment CEO etc. Or, if you're " born to serve" as am I , you could be anything from restauranteur to therapist etc. 

You see, it's not what you do that's the point but who you BE in what you do. 
That being said:

How do we discover the nature of our fundamental enthusiasm when nothing clearly appears before us? 

Start with a two column list:

On one side list all the things you like to do (even if it has no apparent "value," like walking in the rain). 

On the other side list all the things you do well. 

Very often the things we do well correspond to the things we like to do. Thing is, we haven't actually noticed this to be true until we see it laid out before us. 

Another direction to go (perhaps more profound but harder) is to get very, very quiet within yourself, ask the "what's my purpose?" Question over & over for a time and then get absolutely still so you can hear the answer come up from within. 

This though can be tricky because I'd maintain you've heard this answer many times throughout your life but swept it aside for numerous (mostly spurious) reasons like: oh I can never make money doing that; my folks would kill me; I'm not really good enough to try that, etc.

We have many reasons to ignore ourselves. None of those reasons matter. 

To find your passionate purpose you must brave and swim the deep waters. 

Try it! 

We shall be waiting for you on the other shore! 


Dr Nicki 

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