Mother's Day- Oh My!

Mother's Day… Oh my!

Mother’s day again has sprung up like a sudden storm. People are a flurry with plans and feelings. 

My mother is gone…but, naturally, not forgotten! Not by a long shot.

How could she be forgotten? With her vivid, undeniable presence. In death as in life.

When mom was alive, most mothers’ days brought more questions than resolves: 

Are all these folks really happily celebrating their mothers? How can that be? 


I wonder what it’s like to have a mother who is present…who seems to really care.

Pathetic as it may sound, for most of my decades these were true curiosities, not bemoaned, self-pitying cries. I’d look for mother’s day cards that felt true. Hard to find. 

By the time mother entered her final years much had been for me resolved. I’d come to passionately appreciate how she lived within me… whether I always liked it or not. Then in the end, we had the miraculous, true, glorious, divine redemption. 

I moved to the peace that passeth understanding. Amazing grace. It left me believing deeply in the profound importance of coming back to mother love soul to soul.

(If you haven’t seen my play you can read my story in other blogs on this site)

Yes, we had quite the journey, mother and me. So do I miss her? How can I – she's never far. She lives in me as strongly today as ever. 

How can any mother (or father) ever be forgotten?! After all, if we know how to pay attention, whether here, there, or anywhere, we can feel parental fingers tracing their way through our days and ways. 

Mother's Day can be rough for many. 

The general public seems to be jumping up and down, celebrating, making breakfast in bed, buying sticky cards… But for some -in fact for many- Mother's Day is a sad reminder of the mother we wished we’d had but didn't. 

Whether Mother's Day is a glad or sad for you, though, take this opportunity to remember her. For she is the one that gave you life and breath and possibility, which means in a very real way, she's the one to whom you owe everything. 

In the spirit of Mother's Day, then, the best thing you can do to remember mother is to be amazing to the people in your life and to be amazing to yourself

Because that’s your job. To find your best version of you so you can contribute to the life you live and the world you live in. 

So happy Mother's Day to one and all. 

Today Remember Self.


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