Compromise? Easier Said than Done!

War is everywhere. In the small towns. In the big cities. Across the globe. In our hearts.

For as long as memory we’ve been taught to fight - to strike a fervent blow for whatever issue’s are throbbing front and center. Now more than ever, polararizing is all the rage. We battle  about concerns; constructs; desires; ideas and more. 

It’s you against me and if I win/you lose. Inclusivity as an ideal is gasping for air. No longer does it feel like separate can possibly mean equal.

Maybe its always been so to some degree, but it seems more now than ever -- along with other losses like quality intimacy  -- real compromise is on the wane. 

What are we to do?

Lets rebel! 

Let’s be the lighthouse in the stormy collective sea. 

Let us, against all odds, seek the true middle ground solutions in all we are and do. Let’s decide to see others more as ally than enemy, and to see ourselves more as participant than “winner/loser/competitor”.

I know what I’m asking isn’t easy. After a lifetime of bob & weave; prove-the-point; get noticed; win-the-game; achieve, achieve, achieve such an effort can be quite the trial by fire. All the buzz about the evils of “compromising situations” weave through us too. None of it makes the idea of compromise a go-to concept. 

But I believe in us. 

I know we can do it. 

If we band together. If we join the team.

So yes --Compromise is a terrific and important great communication quality. It’s also in part a needed solution for the ruptured world in which we now find ourselves. Each one of us that gets better at this in little and in grand ways promises, then, to contribute to actual societal change! 

This is the way the world grows….not with a burst, but a whisper.


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