From the Brain of Dr. Nicki: The Holiday's: 'Tis What Season?

There's a stirring across the land. 

Everywhere trees are being decorated, presents bought, plans crafted. 

But underneath the holiday hustle-bustle there's a collective pulse beating out an all-too-familiar refrain: 

Where am I now? 

Who am I now? 

How am I now? 

What's happening to time? 

What's happening to me? 

Many -- perhaps most-- are barely conscious of these tap-tap-tapping end-of-another year questions, however, there is surely a whispered bemoaning singing throughout the world as certainly as the constant holiday tunes. 

Indeed, it's natural to wander amongst the reminiscent brambles reviewing what went wrong (or right); 

what disappointed (or inspired); 

what dream broke into pieces (or got resurrected). 

And it's just as usual to worry or hope our way into the coming year. 

Maybe next year we'll end our terrible job or decide to follow our dreams; 

or perhaps we'll get out of that struggling relationship or find the partner we've been longing for or fix the broken family we've become or have the baby we've been trying to have; 

or maybe we'll finally lose that weight or start that exercise program or take those vitamins staring at us from their lonely shelf waiting to be opened; 

or maybe we'll get rich and buy all the things we imagine will make us happy; 

or, or, or.

Thing is, this is an every year buzz. Review and ensue. Get haggard amidst the holiday shopping. 

Get haggard ignoring the unlived life. 

What really wants to change in 2018? 

We can focus on world events. We can challenge the "bad guys". We can complain about our surrounds. We can overturn every status quo idea and behavior we meet; let down our hair to prove our points; manage our expectations; brace against our stressors and more. 

But when all is said and done, dear ones, the buck starts and stops inside us. 

What an old tune she whistles, you might be saying. Surely there's a faster, more world-impacting, it's-not-all-about-me solution to pursue. 

'Fraid not. Gandhi was sooooo right: 

“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” 

'But, but, but Doc...that means really digging into ME!' 


'And that means facing my demons.' 


'And that means suffering.' 

Well, actually, you're suffering more by resisting change. 


The entire world is suffering because you're resisting change.  

I'm not at all saying don't do community service. Do it and do it enthusiastically. I'm not saying don't protest bad behavior, public or private. Do it and do it enthusiastically. I'm not saying don't overturn the status quo. Do all the overturning you can and do it enthusiastically. 

However, what I am saying is: 

Real, lasting, profound change will never happen in the world until it happens inside each of us. 

So join me in 2018 by becoming an Authenticity Warrior

Be bravely, insistently vulnerable; 

powerfully, unrelentingly reliable; 

and sincerely, enthusiastically curious. 

Find out who you really are and show that true self to everyone

Pursue excellence. 

Embrace genuine change. 

And above all: 

Stop finger-pointing, blaming, and shaming others and instead take full and accurate responsibility for how you operate in the world. 

This is my plea and my challenge to you. 

My promise? 

Do it and by the end of next year you'll be humming a different tune.

Blessings and Radiance of Love,
Dr. Nicki    


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