From the Brain of Dr. Nicki: Kryptonite

We all have our own versions. The things that bring us to our knees. The situations, people, or kinds of events that abruptly rob us of courage and ability. The stuff that takes away our superpowers. Suddenly we can’t get off the couch, or use our voice, or fight back. We know we should. We just can’t. We feel powerless.

It’s especially unhinging when we consider ourselves mainly stalwart and even emotionally robust most of the time. So, why does this happen?

The answer, of course, is our personal histories. History coming to poke us in the gut, or strangle our words, or water our eyes, or pull the rug out from under our feet. Particularly history unmet or more importantly, history not deeply understood or appreciated.

We keep skipping over the gnarly parts. Deciding they’re not so bad, or too bad to dance with, or who-the-hell-cares-cause-we-can’t-change-things-anyway. Imagining either we didn’t get much of a real hit or thinking that looking at the past equals dwelling in the past. Not true.

Thing is, we are built with the materials of our histories. Ignoring those materials instead of noting what kind of polish, upkeep, right attention, or upgrade they need, means lousy maintenance.  Is there anything in your life you’ve ever come across that didn’t require overhaul and maintenance now and again?! Everything needs it. The car; the home; the pets; the job; the relationship.

And more importantly, everything works in pattern. The earth. Nature. Animals. Us. Our patterns get announced right away. And if we refuse to realize and appreciate those patterns we’ll most likely to become slaves to them.

So the next time you’re brought to your knees, try looking around for the hidden kryptonite. Whether t's a sliver or chunk, it’s for sure near by. Look back in your history. Don’t imagine the situations or people in front of you actually have the power to take you down. They don’t. Remember the rule: the bigger the reaction, the older the material supporting the reaction. Figure out where everything began, and reclaim a superpower tomorrow.


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