From the Brain of Dr. Nicki: Avatars

Avatars in many ways symbolize new frontiers. These graphic representations of us – these alter ego’s -- bring us to new levels of fantasy expression. We can become the “who” we envision in our most potent shape. In fact, the avatar term originated in Hinduism where it stands for the "descent" of a deity into terrestrial form, meaning now we are gods! Or perhaps more gently we might say now we are superheroes.

Whether gods or superheroes we’re obviously aiming for power in a world where we feel increasingly powerless. Perhaps that’s what all the selfie’s, snapchats, instagrams, etc are as well – a way to put ourselves on the map, establish territory, or win the ‘game’,  if only for an instant.  

What does all of it mean about us as a Collective. There’s a sense, for instance in politics now, that everything’s disintegrating in a way. Old standards are collapsing. The way it was is no longer the way it is or will be. We’re excited. And scared. Who will we be if we’re not who we have been. Many want to cling to founding father ways. Makes us feel…safer. But so much has changed, at least at the surface. Technological tides have washed away many of the old village methods. If we don’t embrace the truth of what’s before us we are destined to decline. Of course, we must balance that with reverence for what’s behind us. Tricky stuff.

But as avatars we can imagine a fair fight world. Sure there are obstacles, but commanding resources are available to us as well. Our decisions have instant results.

Naturally in some ways this feels like choosing fantasy over the exigencies of everyday. And where can that lead, we might wonder? Sure, I worry about kids and even adults sitting endlessly in front of screens of any kind – abandoning the world of real people in favor of the magically created moment. You know how it is – everybody’s happy on FB. And if they’re not, it’s the state of the world making them unhappy, not their own lives.

On top of that we’re getting ever more wedded to the sound of our own voices. (Remember when you read a text you’re hearing YOUR voice, not the writer’s voice). I’m sad to realize how few folks still read books – real books…with words.  

Okay sure, the avatar notion is exhilarating. Titillating. Adventuresome. But lets be sure we’re not sacrificing a continued evolution of the sacred event called human contact. I fear we veer. So today, just ‘cause, reach out and touch someone…in person. Look them in the eye and allow your humanity to show. Let them feel as important as you’d like to feel. Let compassion be the superpower you choose.   


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