From the Brain of Dr. Nicki: Being Transgender

Transgender. Well, there’s a word sparking fires all over the place, which means certainly that by the end of this blog someone is going to be mad at me. Thinking I haven’t been in service enough to one side or other. Imagining I don’t really understand. Thing is, I’m not here to be politically correct or politically incorrect. This is a blog about our humanity. How do we know it, feel it and find it?! Let’s dive in.

 Start with the assumption that inside each of us lives the sex we are apparently not. Seriously. Think about it. You appear as a man, but inside lives the woman. You appear as a woman, but inside lives the man. Stop grimacing and work with me here. Because, guess what – this is absolutely true. I mean it. Indeed, as always, you are more than you appear to be.

 Close your eyes. Picture just for a moment connecting to that inside opposite gender part of you. Come on. Don't be afraid. Nothing terrible will happen.

 Now, imagine what it could be like if we all walked around with this awareness -- if we could all recognize and understand the deeper connection we have with our trans gender?! No surgery needed. No chemicals added. Just a deep, profound, conscious awareness that everything existing outside of us, lives inside us as well. And even more, appreciating that we are well-served by this actuality.
 What would the world look like? What would the world feel like? What would the world be like?
 To some degree this important, fundamental, urgent call is currently appearing in the Collective as the transgender conversation -- dancing through our words and ways -- reflecting our want for Wholeness. Indeed, amidst the out-spilling dialogue is evidence that we desire concrete, visual exploration as well. This yearning shows up in film, television and social media. Everywhere we look we are being regaled: see me; feel me; know me; understand me.

 The unconscious is a tricky little devil. It calls to us passionately and constantly. Through dreams. Though public report. Through illness. Through politics and political figures. Through language. But are we listening? Truly listening? Usually not.

 It’s frustrating to realize how bogged down we can get about right and wrong; good and bad; yes and no. Instead, what about, as an adventure,  throwing away all you “know” and face today’s conversations with what’s called Beginner’s Mind – the eyes of the child. Try seeing the world as if you know nearly nothing and are certain of even less. Guaranteed, everywhere you go the world will appear sparkly and entirely new, greeting you like a glorious sunrise on a cloud-free day. You will be hugely freed of previous preoccupations. And the world too shall be freed.


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