Getting Turned On!

Part I:
Lately I’ve been taken by a thrilling sense of energetic intensity. Everything in my life looks and feels differently. Understanding is flowing through me in unprecedented ways. I’m ablaze intellectually, spiritually and physically. It’s like I’ve been captured by some gorgeous only imagined creature and am suddenly in his sturdy arms, gladly panting for all I’m worth. The result is my whole body is a constantly alive, tingling pulse. From head to toe I'm vibrating. How fun.

It’s obvious too. If you sit with me now, or nudge my shoulder, or hear my words, you’ll feel the gush and realize something true has occurred.You may not be able to name it, but you'll know.

Now, I could tell you where in my particular case it’s come from --- about its initiatory source – however, that’s not really the important piece here. More to the point, I’ve starkly realized two things that fly in the smart face of what’s generally held as reliable truth: #1. Being “turned on” is primarily a Self-generated process, meaning: the light switch lives inside us! Hear me: Enthusiasm, exhilaration, excitement, sexuality, libidinous life flow, creativity, beauty, charisma and any other form of juicy engagement is generated first from within and then subsequently moves through us into the world. It’s not about someone else making “it” happen. Not about his or her cuteness; not about life’s gifts or burdens; not about which personal time of life we’re in; not even about the day's confronts; and most importantly – it certainly isn't about the future. That means, being turned on is actually and truly what's responsible for the be here now piece everybody’s been talking about for ever so long. 

I must share with you that though I've been teaching presence for well over twenty-five years until this moment in time I've not truly understood it from a profound "knowing" place. I've taught how to ground, listen, open and allow. I've taught how to stand in & for yourself. However, this is different. I suspect this to be what many teachers have called: realization of presence.  It's not an idea. It's an experience. It's the difference between talking about sex and having sex.

As a bonus, it turns out that when we’re activated into this true presence experience pesky distractions like worry about outcome, getting-it-all, winning and even unrealized potential fade from aggravating focus. Plus, there seems to be an enriched, no-ego appreciation for true & present inner gifts. That doesn’t mean we don’t make plans, or hope for the best, or show up to what’s coming. Nor does it mean we start thinking there's no more inner change desired or outer behavioral shifts needed. But it does mean the most important moment is this moment, not the next.

So how do we get there? What can you do to join the exhilaration party? Well, for some this will annoy. It's all about the body. Really it is.

What does that mean? It means you can not think your way into this excited infusion. It means setting aside physical criticisms, intellectual analysis, distracted ambling and self-soothing denigrations. It means dancing and staying aware of breath; ambling through nature [not power-walking!]; licking your lips over beauty; touching your entire body with reverence; hugging others with everything you've got; and it means inviting love in its many-armed forms.

Believe me I have new reverence for the idea of being "turned on". I see that it is not a fleeting glance at some dark passing stranger or a shudder of personal enchantment or even a moment's encounter with divinity. Not at all. Nor is being turned on a state of is a state of body.  

I'm hoping as you read these words, you're thirst for such vitality grows.  I'm hoping you will be seduced into reaching inside self -- for you too, of course, have the on switch. Because this is the best ride I've ever been on in my whole life, and that's saying something! 

In terms of the second important revelation, stay tuned. That's the topic of the next upcoming blog. For the time being,  join me in the dance of a lifetime. Now.


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